
Right now? Because you know, I feel ever-changing, ever-forming. Not necessarily a good thing, not necessarily a bad thing. It is this fluid self-search that enables me to savor different, beautiful things in life that a single-minded approach would have never allowed me. I do feel at warring odds with the world a lot of times, but only because there’s so much about it that simultaneously draws me in and pushes me out. This blog is my attempt to make amends with the world, and myself.

4 Responses to “About”
  1. Dino$ says:

    eish hal kalam il deep. walik inti min kutur ma inti deep ghrikit

  2. al. says:

    Lol Dudzz, me theory of that 7aafartal guy who lives inside you is proving to be correct. Aww, thanks ya qalbi..

  3. Dave says:

    Happy Birthday! And thanks for your kind words!

    I sent an email to the address on the comment.


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